Joint World Congress

COVID-19 update : the Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering will be in-person from May 27th to May 30th, 2022, at the Centre Mont-Royal, in Montreal. We can’t wait to see you there!

Montreal has been selected as the host city for the second Joint World Congress of the International Fluency Association (IFA), International Stuttering Association (ISA) and International Cluttering Association (ICA) from May 27 to May 30th, 2022. 

This four-day congress will bring together stuttering and cluttering specialists (speech therapists, geneticists, neurobiologists, etc.), as well as people who stutter or clutter from all over the world, whether involved in support groups or not. 


Registration is now open! 

Please note: after registering, you will receive a confirmation email that will also contain a link to reserve your hotel room at the Hotel Omni Mont-Royal at the congress rate of $199CAD per night plus taxes.
(Registration courtesy of partner association, the Association bégaiement communication (ABC)).

Questions? Email The conference team will respond within 48 hours.

Congress Theme 

After a long process of careful consideration and deliberation, the planning committee agreed on a theme: « One World, Many Voices: A Global Collaboration ». 

This theme partially incorporates the theme of the founding congress held in Hiroshima in July 2018 (« One World, Many Voices: Science and Community »), which was unanimous … or close to it! The theme of the 2021 congress is intended to bring people together (« One World »), while encouraging the expression of different points of view (« Many Voices »). 

The theme also fosters collaboration, not only between specialists and researchers, but especially between these same specialists and researchers and people who stutter or clutter. 

The Hiroshima event provided some indication that people who live with stuttering or cluttering should be given a significant voice in the organization of the congress. The subcommittee for the congress program took notice of this observation. 

It is anticipated that a sizeable portion of the program will be dedicated to workshops and presentations similar to those held during our networking events and at the National Stuttering Association congress, i.e., workshops by and for people who stutter or clutter. This is great news for ABC and its members, who will have the opportunity to submit workshop and presentation proposals. 

Call for Papers 

The call for papers has closed on December 21st, 2021.

Suggested Topics:

  • Stuttering in children: Research and intervention
  • Stuttering in adolescents and adults: Research and intervention
  • Cluttering, research and treatment
  • Neurogenic stuttering, research and intervention
  • Motor, linguistic and emotional factors related to stuttering
  • Neural substrates of stuttering
  • Stuttering in special populations (including concomitant disorders, bilingualism, etc.)
  • Outreach and advocacy
  • Self – help for people who stutter and clutter
  • Family involvement

More Information About the Congress 

To stay updated on everything relating to the congress, we invite you to refer to the following resources: 

Official Congress Website 
International Stuttering Association 
International Fluency Association 
The congress Facebook group 
The congress Instagram account 
The congress Twitter account